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As one of the leading local SME's in Singapore, we attribute our reputation to the lasting customer relationships we’ve developed throughout the years.


We believe that all of our customers deserve the highest level of service, and we are committed to providing just that.


In line with the Company's vision to become a One-stop Shop Logistics Provider, our mission is to establish as many services for our clients.

Our goal to become a Total Logistics Provider also supports our nation's directions in cementing the status as a Global Transit Hub.


Fumigation is considered a niche operations where controlled hazardous chemicals are being used. If not properly handled, the procedures could be fatal.


We have a team of Qualified and Experience People to ensure the safe and smooth completion of every task.


To streamline processes and increase productivity, we have recently merged our fumigation team with the pest control team to form our  Vector Control Department.

Explore the rest of our site to learn more about what we have to offer, and get in touch with any questions.


UBTS Fumigation Services is here for you.

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